Bringing New Life To The Family

Student Ministries has two branches, Teens United and Kids United. Student ministries are valued at New Life because of the importance of getting the Word of God in hearts and minds at a young age! Barna Research Statistics say if a child does not receive Christ as their Savior by the age of 14, the likelihood of them receiving Him afterward becomes very slim. The Word must be given early and accurately! Eternal destinies depend on it!
Teens United is led by Dustin & Danielle Otto! They meet every Wednesday after Praise and Worship in the main sanctuary. They love to go on outings, youth conferences, theme parks, have pizza parties and so much more! Your teen will be enriched by this great ministry!
Kids United is a fun, exciting ministry that kids love! Our rotating ministry leaders with Children's Minister, Ashley Sharp, bring variety to the kids on Sunday mornings. It keeps them interested and excited. They are taught the Word of God on their level with fun extras, such as games and crafts! We are blessed to have a team of ministry leaders to care for and love your kids! After Praise and Worship in the sanctuary on Sundays and Wednesdays, the kids are dismissed to Kid’s Church.
We have recently started a memory verse reward system. It’s very important that we get as much scripture in them as we can while they are little! As they grow God will bring those scriptures back to them when they need them. All through out the Bible we see the importance of filling our hearts with the word.
Psalm 119:1 says, “ Thy word have I HID IN MY HEART that I might not sin against God.”
Psalm 37:31 says , “ The law of God is in his HEART ; none of his steps shall slide.”
And Ephesians 6:17 says, “ Take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.”
If they have His word hidden in their hearts, when they face temptations or attacks, they will be able to draw out the scriptures to fight back against the devil. Jesus himself demonstrated this in Matthew 4:1-10, when He was tempted in the wilderness. He used memorized scripture to withstand each attack of Satan! So, we want to fill up their hearts with God’s Word.
At the beginning of each month each child will receive a list of scriptures they can memorize and it will tell them how many tickets each scripture is worth. They may choose to memorize as many as they can. Each week, if they can quote a new scripture (WITHOUT HELP), they will get their name put on however many tickets the scripture is worth.
They will also receive tickets for….
* Showing up
*Bringing Bibles
In addition to the tickets, They will also receive candy or a prize from the treasure chest as an immediate reward for their memorized scripture.
On the first Sunday of every month we will draw for 2 prizes! The winners will then be placed in another jar and at the end of the year, we will draw for a GRAND CASH PRIZE!
Wednesdays serve as Ministry Preparation Night. The kids will continuously be working on Bells, Choir, or Interpretive Dance in order to minister in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings.
Kids United love to go on outings and be together as much as possible! There is always something happening that your kids will love!
For more pictures, visit our Facebook page!