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The Keenagers is a ministry for those fifty years of age or older. It is primarily a fellowship group. Teresa Schell is our Keenager’s Ministry Leader. She has a big heart along with a big personality. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology from Life Christian University and is currently working on bible correspondence classes from Rhema Bible School.  She coordinates all of the Keenager events. We can't say enough about this ministry. They may be over fifty, but they sure know how to have a good time enjoying life with each other. 


Regarding the Keenagers, Teresa shares: "This ministry group is for those fifty years of age and older. I would like to invite you to attend our activities scheduled each month. These events are listed on our monthly calendar as well as the church bulletin the week of the event. We go out to eat, see live performances, have ice cream socials, bon fires, take boat rides on the Kentucky, etc... Each year we have a Christmas social where we gather at a member’s home, bring food, dessert, and exchange an inexpensive gift. We have a lot of fun fellowshipping with one another. We have a lot of exciting activities scheduled for the upcoming months and we would love for you to join us, and I promise, you won’t be disappointed.”

One thing is for sure, participate in a Keenager’s event and you will be glad you did!

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© 2018 New Life Church  |  770 Ridgeview Dr. Frankfort, KY 40601

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